Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Plastic Surgery is Dangerous

Look around you. You will see many actors and entertainers, but do they have something in common? Yes, they do. Their faces look pretty similar. That’s because of plastic surgery. These days plastic surgery has become a big issue, not only to actors and entertainers but also for the citizens. I am going to argue that plastic surgery is dangerous and I’ll tell you the reasons why.

Have you ever been hurt or had an accident while having a surgery? If yes, then you would know and if no, you should still know. While having a surgery and there are risks of an accident. It is very dangerous and the patient can get harmed and die. Plastic surgery is also a surgery, so if there is an accident the person who did plastic surgery can look worse than before. According to a person who did plastic surgery in a Seoul surgery clinic, her nose was supposed to stand but became crooked to the left side. Although the court said that the clinic should return all the money to the person, but they only returned 70 percent of the money paid. Also, in KBS news, there was an interview. The woman who had the interview showed her high school picture which was much prettier than now. She regretted that she had plastic surgery because of the accidents.

Plastic surgery is not only dangerous for your facial looks but also for our health. For example, having nose surgery can lead you to heart attacks because you have problems breathing after. According to the doctors from the GNG clinic they because of the side effects it can cause you trouble to breathe. You may think that these are rare health problems but actually, in the survey of the topic “side effect” health problems about 2000 people per year have problems.

             People who support plastic surgery say that with plastic surgery, you can become prettier for many jobs such as models, flight attendants; you need to be pretty to get that job. However, these days being pretty aren’t everything. Many jobs including flight attendants have to be smart too because they test your ability to get that job so we shouldn’t do plastic surgery to just become pretty.

             In summary, I still think that plastic surgery is bad. Even though you think you can become prettier after it, there are accidents happening. I think that instead of having plastic surgery, to become prettier we should be satisfied with what you have. So after you have read my opinion, on plastic surgery, what do you think? Thank you.

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